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Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

In India, about 60% of the Population rely on Agriculture for their livelihood and Agriculture remains an important economic booster of the Country, and there are latest Agriculture technologies helping the Farmers to get higher yields.

Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

During older days People used old techniques to produce crops with low yield, but nowadays with the latest Technologies in Agriculture People can get good and healthier crops which result in higher profits. 

Now, in Short, let us discuss Latest Agricultural Technologies In India,

Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

Some of the Latest Technology in India from which Farmers could expect higher yields and profits are:-

1.  Smartphones Application 

In the early '90s, India made up its mind to use the latest technologies and invited several companies to India to showcase its products, the use of Cell phones became a daily routine for the citizens overcoming Telephones. As days progressed Smartphone come into existence.

Even in the Agriculture sector, Smartphones are playing a very important role, Government along with private partners have developed a large number of Mobile Applications regarding Crop prices, Banking Applications, and Fertilizers information, the latest App which Government introduced is Kisan Suvidha Mobile Application which Farmers can utilise.

Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

2. Artificial Intelligence   

Artificial Intelligence has now become a part of Agricultural activities in India, the Government implementation of newer technologies have helped the Farmers immensely.

The use of Weather information and cloud-based technologies, Machine learning and advanced Analytics can benefit the Farmers in large.

3. Drones

Drones can play a very vital role in agricultural activities, the Drones have the capacity to provide advanced information regarding the regions in the field, they can provide information regarding Crops which are cultivated, they can provide information regarding the animals which tends to enter the field and destroy the crops, and Drones can also be used for spraying water or chemicals to plants by attaching sprayers.  

Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

4. Use Of Softwares

The development of Softwares is also an important aspect of modern-day Agriculture Technologies, the software helps to store data of Land records of a Farmers digitally and it is made available whenever it is required for urgent use.

The Government have introduced several Web Portals which helps the Farmers to pay their Land tax digitally without going to concerned Government Offices to pay tax.

5. Satellites And Remote Sensing 

Satellites play a very important role in the Agriculture Sector, the satellites can detect 15 days of Weather reports in advance so that the Farmers can take suitable action during Crop cultivation, Satellites will help the Farmers about Crop yield estimation, Soil health mapping, assessment of destruction caused to the Crops during Natural Calamities.

Latest Agricultural Technologies In India

6. Use Of Biotechnology 

Use of Biotechnology is another important aspect of Agriculture Technology, the use of genetic engineering have helped the Farmers immensely. New hybrid seeds have been developed using genetic engineering which has made farmers grow high breed vegetables and fruits and obtain higher yields and more profits.

7. Use Of Solar Pumps In Irrigation

Use of solar pumps will benefit the Farmers in large, by using solar pumps one can expect low electricity bill and advance low carbon agriculture.

The Government is taking the initiative to deploy solar pumps by providing subsidies to farmers so they can expect a good economic return using solar pumps.

8. Use Of Cloud Based Irrigation System

This technology can help the farmers to reduce the use of water and an increase in crop yield.

My View

With the help of the latest technologies, the Farmers can grow crops which are rich in nutrients and can expect higher profits from such growth.

The majority of Farmers in India are illiterate and hence the Government should conduct free camps for the farmers and make them understand the uses of latest technologies so that they can incur extra Knowledge about Cultivation of Crops or basic knowledge about the use of technologies.  

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